I come from a linage of intuitives and have trained with the best Mediums around the world.
My training and development has taken me world-wide from Australia to America, Canada, Germany and the prestigious Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Sciences in England.
With more than 20 years of experience as a Psychic and Medium, I have successfully demonstrated these services in public within Australia, England and Germany.
Mediumship sittings
While Mediumship will never take away the pain of losing a loved one or take away the sadness of not having their physical presence around. By bringing through highly evidential and specific information that nobody else could possibly know, I can re-establish a connection, and offer you a certain level of evidence that the soul survives physical death and that love transcends all.
Psychic readings
When I link with you intuitively in a psychic reading, I read your energy field (aura) and am able to obtain information about your past, present, and future. Intuitive readings can help you to understand yourself better, gain invaluable insight into your potential, and increase awareness of your blocks and how to transform them.
Business Readings – Intuitive Psychic & Feng Shui Business Space
When I link with you intuitively, I can tap into specific areas around you like your business. I can look for cracks, issues, opportunities, issues, and solutions.
Send me your business layout and I will give you ideas on how to activate and balance the spaces to bring more luck, harmony, and biz success into your life!
Intuitive soul to soul readings
A soul-to-soul intuitive psychic reading delves more deeply. I consciously connect with your heart and soul energy. With your permission, I can access your Soul’s blueprint, also known as your Akashic Records and receive the information about past lives, so you can gain clarity, insight, and awareness of your Soul’s truth and start to trust yourself and your path once again.